Friday, January 9, 2015

Interior Design

Interior Design - Round Mirror

My very own Round Mirror. I have wanted one of these for years. I see them everywhere but usually with some decorative frame and I could not justify the cost of those for myself. The sticker shock was the main reason for passing them by in stores and online browsing produced cost way more than I would invest. So can imagine the surprised look on my face when my husband walked in Saturday afternoon with this gift for me.

My very own round mirror

We spotted it on Friday while doing some touring in our home town. Do you ever do that? I will come across a quaint little shop while running errands and as I drive by I will say "Oh I want to go check that place out sometime." But with three teens and our busy, busy, busy schedules we keep I drive on by, all the while I am thinking to myself - I will get to go in someday.

Flaking mirror process shows around beveled edges
It is an older (antique) mirror you can see a few chips of the mirror backed surface has flaked off. The pretty beveled edge makes up for that though. While I am taking these pictures I noticed the reflection shows the glue rings for mounting it to this press board. They do not appear when I just look at the mirror as intended so this must just be what my camera picks up.
Cute buttons to hold the mirror to the press board

Press board and wire for hanging

For only $40.00 dollars I am very happy with my antique round mirror. Now for getting it up on my gallery wall which will need a new layout to make everything look right. I was going to do that tomorrow however I found myself under the weather this week. Yeah for antibiotics.
But I will have to reveal all that tomorrow, hopefully, anyway soon.

Love ya Connie

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