
National Clean-Up Your Computer Day

           I’m going to work on this by simply getting caught up with my emails, my fave’s I follow on bloglovin, pictures/text for this blog.

messy desk

We’ve had a busy time in the “bradshawshouse” with kids sick, the very unexpected adventure of locking ourselves out of the house.

· The very quickly planned flights for my father-in-law and hubby to a funeral.
· A job interview for our son.
· A winter Formal Dance at school, which our girls decided to create an ‘un-dance’ night out with several of their friends.
· The wonderful time we had at J & A’s home as they hosted us to meet the challenge of having someone over whom they didn’t know very well.
· Finally after the first cancellation our turn to be the host with someone we didn’t know very well.
· Plus an unexpected twist in events to include a few more people in our home...so thankful & glad you were all here. The more the merrier.

Onto Valentines Day; I have made up a few cards for the kids. Now I want to attach there cars to their favorite candies. Also I’ve been busy planning my surprise night out with my hubby. It’s so important to invest time into your marriage & have that special face-to-face  alone time together.

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